Brothers Grimmer
Made: 2019/
Crew: R. Bell & C.Solly/
Featuring: Rosie Johnson
James Solly/
The writer of this song had been through a very odd series of events surrounding his recent break up: this song addresses his progress since that point in his life, whilst reflecting on the experience. The dream like imagery and metaphorical allegories we chose to play with were a lot of fun to make - as was the utilisation of smoke granades and dry throwing paint!
We are very proud [& very fortunate] to have worked with so many talented people in film. From writers, to filmmakers, actors, thespians, artists, designers, editors and industry professionals.
This page is a celebration of SOLLYWOOD PH's affiliation with these people: whom we recommend to anyone for their future productions, and have on our own calling list for roles, and crew.
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These six characters are the beginning of an expansive
cartoon world.
Starting with...

Leading Up to
The Drop

Road 2the

Events following
The Drop

The Shaman of the Solliverse
Aims:The Moose Will:
Host Sollywood's cartoon radio show
(radio - inspired playlists & cartoon podcasts)
Be the Shamanic guide for Sollywood's Cartoon Universe
Present the philosophies of Sollywood:
- The ideas and motivations behind our many quests.
Explain the way of 'Buddhisava: the returned hero'.
Bring looseness to the masses: utilising the power of 'THE PASSIVE' for calmness & 'fluidity of mind'.
Be the face of Helpful Holistic's introductory Hypnotherapy programme: (Below)
The Loose Moose

In association with
Higher Self & Inner Child
A Guided Meditations Audio Programme
By Helpful Holistics

Dear Humans,
Power: antlers act as antennas channelling the spirits of past shamanic leaders.
Passions: Stain glass windows.Tripping. Loving stuff.
Enemy: The Ass called Umi
- while The Loose Moose learns, Umi assumes.
Soulmate: Snoozy moose
Friends: Tigger and Pooh
Dance: The Moose
Write Your Background here:
Please go ahead and tune in to
my moosey content
to discover the deep wisdom
and mystical origins of me,
The Loose Moose.

A Class act
With all the Facts
Bad Bitch
Use humour to tackle heavy, serious topics that often go under played or remain unexamined.
Figurehead a memorable and informative NFT collection that acts as a glossary for any terminology surrounding Domestic Abuse and narcissism.
Create an awareness platform for Domestic Abuse to present effective solutions through psychology and neuroscience.
Create an Educational Programme on 'Abusive Dynamics' (& the surrounding science) - suitable for people of all ages.
Sponsor novelists ( that are writing on
the subject of D.A.)
Work alongside Helpful Holistics to
create an optimum therapy course for
victims and abusers.
Team up with a select number of
associated charities & organisations.
Aims:Bad Bitch Will:
Poorly treated by several owners
Always in and out of the pound.
She became a Pheonix out of flames of past relationships.
She went from a bad bitch, to the Baddest of all bitches!
(Turning insults into a new sassy empowering persona!)
Loves to write and paint.
Enemies: Exe's - Hound dogs and Strays from back alleys.

Road Map Coming Soon!
Help establish and define 'healthy sexuality': educating on sexual addiction (And masturbation).
Demystify kinks and the fetish scene.
Mascot for the Book: The School of Porn: the psychology of fetishisms.
Mascot for the Hypnotherapy programme: Discover your natural magnetism & sensual potential.
Mascot for the Education system: Male and female psychology in attraction and sexuality
The Feline
that gets Freaky
Aims:THE CAT Will:
Everybody wants to be a sexy cat.
Lost and confused, the runt of the litter was in to the world of dogs - and all he knew was the loved the ladies.
He went from a fretting feline to a sassy-ass player, exploring all the fetishes and sampling the flavours.
He learnt how there's nothing sexier than integrating the feminine side into your masculinity: knowing your preferences and always improving.
Power: being sexy
Friends: the loose moose and Bad Bitch
Enemy: Militant Max

Create a Music And Poetry oetry forum
Host a series of Podcasts on hip hop, and meditations on poetry.
Awaken people's authentic creative potential
Help people discover their individuality; & how it can be a compliment to the masses.
Be 'all about' the correct use of serotonin, kingly energy.
Mascot a Hypnotherapy programme: Discovering creative potential and how to utilise it.
Educate people on enlightened social dynamics and leadership, safeguarding against obligatory dynamics.
Power: master of poetry
Friends: Bad Bitch, and Moley
Descendant of Osiris, The Egyptian Dog God of the Dead.
Raised in packs, he became a master of hierarchy and 'The Win-Win'.
He journeyed from Mut,to Gangster Don, to Poetry Master.
Knowing the dangers of a bad leader, he loves how things can complement each other, and fit together like poetry.
Now, he lives underground, looking to find the potential in lost and stuck souls, hoping to awaken their creative potential.
S.U.P. Dawg
The Secret Underground Poet
A.K.A The Canine King
Aims:S.U.P. Dawg Will:

The dancer
With all the answers
A descendant from the two ravens that sat on Odin's shoulder, his ancestors reminded people of their morality.
After Ravin' Raven was cast out for being too care free; he found himself engaging in depressing and self-destructive behaviour. He soon realised that shame and guilt held wisdom: they show us how we are all deeply connected.
Now the Ravin' Raven enlightens people on how to transmute negative emotions, and use them as guides, and fuel, to living a balanced life.
Power: Dancing through the rain drops
Friends: Catnip, Bad bitch, Sup Dawg
Enemy: Pudgy Pidgeon, the "cooer" of rights not to feel bad.
Turn your cravings into the need to rave!
Mascot for a Hypnotherapy programme made to better understand and transmute guilt & shame.
Figure head an Educational system on the morality built in to our biology: how we can live a good life by listening to our own nature.
Ravin' Raven

Ravin' Raven
Be a mascot for 'The Inner Hero' Hypno-programme, accessing our potential through mythology.
Educate people on the nature of monsters in mythology and their relation to 'the four trauma responses'.
Elucidate upon 'the hero's journey', creating a new aim to befriend - not conquer - the dragon.
Educate on how epinephrine is essential for neuroplasticity and learning and a key component of play.
Dragon Boy
Aims: the DRAGON Will:
He gets his Kicks
From ancient Myths
Our awesome playful foe!
Descendant from the most infamous mythological beast.
Most believe him evil and try to fight him: he fights back in defence or turns to stone.
Dragon boy just wants to be seen for his playful, protective spirit. He wants friends to look after & journey on great adventures with.
Friends: The brave and playful
Enemies: Cowards and Tyrants
Power: All the Classic Dragon Powers!
Dragon Boy

More Coming Soon...
The 1st Collection
The Mascot for Well Being
The Solly Bros
A Special Thankyou for Reading
Lets Get This Done.
Peace Love &Providence
Fine Art NFT's